Course Description

This training will provide a basic foundation for understanding how cultural competence, awareness, and sensitivity can improve quality of care and increase positive outcomes. The professional counselor has an obligation to understand the individual’s context and learn to communicate in a manner that the individual is likely to be able to hear, understand and accept. The professional counselor must have the courage and insight to explore their biases and misconceptions of others with cultural and ethnic differences. Cultural variables to be considered will include age, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, language, educational level, physical ability, economic status and social class as well as racial and ethnic backgrounds, all of which can be influential in the therapeutic process.

Time/Duration: Virtual class meets online via Zoom from 8:30 – 5:00 for 2 consecutive days (14 hours). Students will also have an online classroom with  link, handouts and resource material for class as well as where students take the final exam and course evaluation. Enrolled students will receive online classroom login/password 2 days prior to class start date.

Accessmust download free Zoom application and video capable phone, laptop or desktop.

Tuition: $185.00

Instructor:  Marjorie Lewis, LAC, LMFT, D. Min, Psy.D