Course Description

(Prerequisite is Ethical Practice in Addiction Treatment)
This training addresses organizational ethics and practices, individual provider ethics and practices, and guidelines for setting up a private practice. Topics will include OBH licensing rules; OBH behavioral health rules and regulations; practice standards and guidelines; DORA and the Mental Health Practice Act; the purpose of and the need for written policies and procedures; professional competencies,
boundaries and ethical relationships; reporting violations; employee drug testing; liability insurance; clinical versus administrative supervision; the ethical delivery of culturally-responsive care and trauma-informed care; and the need for a professional self-care plan.

Prerequisite: Ethical Patrice in Addiction Treatment

Time/Duration: Virtual class meets online via Zoom from 8:30 – 5:00.(14 thours) for 2 consecutive days. Students will also have an online classroom with  link, handouts and resource material for class as well as where students take the final exam and course evaluation. Enrolled students will receive online classroom login/password 2 days prior to class start date.

Access: must download free Zoom application and video capable phone, laptop or desktop.

Tuition: $185.00

Instructor:  Marjorie Lewis, LAC, LMFT, D. Min, PhD