Dealing with the stress that comes with having a loved one who is an addict can be overwhelming at times. Some people ignore this problem in hopes it will resolve itself, but this is rarely the case. In order to get your loved one the help they need, you will have to step in and confront them.  The following are some of the things you should be when trying to confront an addict in the appropriate manner.


Preparation is Key

Before confronting a loved one addicted to drugs or alcohol, you will need to adequately prepare yourself. Often times, addicts are emotionally fragile and can feel attacked or even alienated by these types of confrontations. This is why you will need to plan out what you will say in detail. Letting your loved one know you have their best interest at heart can go a long way in these situations. Trying to be too confrontational can lead to the addict you love storming out in anger. Treating this situation with the respect it deserves is the only way to get through to the addict.

Learn More About Their Addiction

The next thing you need to do is learn more about your loved one’s addiction. This will allow you to see how the substance they are addicted to affects them. With this knowledge, you should be able to develop a strategy on how best to approach them about getting the help they so desperately need.

Gather the Right Materials For the Confrontation

If the main goal behind this confrontation is to get your loved one into rehab, you need to gather some reading materials for them to look over. Most of the treatment facilities out there have pamphlets and brochures that outline their approach to drug treatment and tells more about their program. Showing the addict you love this literature is a great way to calm any fears they may have about entering a drug rehabilitation program.

Stay Calm and Collected

As previously mentioned, a person addicted to drugs and alcohol will usually be in a very fragile emotional state. If your loved one begins to lash out at you during this confrontation, you have to remain calm and collected. Fighting with them will only give them more reason to leave and continue to use. You need to constantly reiterate how much you love them and want them to get better.

The goal of the team at Odyssey Center is provide aspiring addiction counselors and other behavioral health professionals with the right training. With our training, students are able to accomplish their goal of becoming a CAC level I, II, III and LAC.
