
Did you realize that nearly 21.5 million Americans are waging a battle with substance abuse right now? Each year, drug abuse and addiction costs this country around $200 billion in healthcare costs and lost productivity in the workplace. If you are like most people, finding way to raise awareness for mental health and addiction issues is important. The biggest hurdle most people face when trying to bring awareness to these complicated issues is getting the ball rolling. Read below to find out more about how to raise the awareness your community has regarding mental health and addiction.

Mental Health Screenings Are a Must

One of the first things you may want to consider when trying to raise awareness of mental health and addiction issues is hosting a community screening. The professionals at Screening for Mental Health, Inc. can provide you with the tools you need to host these screenings. They specialize in providing mental health education and treatment options to the public at large. This organization is passionate about providing organizations with the individualized plan they need to provide these screenings to the people who need them the most.

Show Genuine Concern For How People Around You Are Doing

If you are like most people, you have a genuine concern for the people around you. Asking how someone is doing and listening intently to their answer is important. When a person struggles with addiction or mental health issues, they will usually give off a variety of warning signs. Noticing these warning signs and doing something to help a person in need is important. If you suspect a loved one is struggling with mental health or addiction issues, reaching out to a certified addiction counselor is a great idea.

These addiction specialists can offer you some advice regarding how to approach the addict you love in the correct manner. The last thing you want to do is be too forceful when dealing with someone who is emotionally fragile due to the confrontation it can cause. With the help of a licensed addiction counselor, you can help a person get the professional help they need to overcome their addiction.

Bring Awareness to Addiction and Mental Health Issues by Sharing Your Story

Most people who have struggled with addiction or mental health issues have a problem talking about their trials and tribulations. In most cases, a person who is currently struggling with these problems will want to hear from someone who has been through similar trials. Sharing your story of overcoming mental health or addiction problems can help a lot of people.

Hosting meetings where people can share their own personal stories of how they overcame these problems is a great way to increase awareness in your community. The shaming that has gone on in relation to mental health problems has done more damage than actually dealing with the issues head on. Instead of hiding behind this shame, break this wall down and reach out to those in a similar situation. You will be surprised at how this will make you feel and how much help it can provide a person in the throes of addiction.

Educating Yourself on Addiction and Mental Health Problems is Essential

The last thing you want to do is to try and raise awareness about these issues without the right amount of education. With all of the different online classes available out there, educating yourself on these complicated topics is simple. Some people will become so intrigued with this subject that they may want to pursue a career as a certified addiction counselor.

This career choice can be very rewarding and will allow you to help those in need. Odyssey Training Center works hard to teach future CACs and LACs about how to connect with an addict and offer them the help they so desperately need.

Volunteering is a Great Way to Give Back

Are you passionate about giving back to your community, but don’t know where to start? Reaching out the National Alliance on Mental Illness is a great idea. For years, this organization has been helping people struggling with mental health issues. The key mantra of this organization is to see the person and not the illness they are struggling with.

By working with them, you can spread the word about addiction and mental health in your community. They host a variety of events and conventions geared at informing the general public about how to deal with a person who is struggling with their own addiction and mental health issues.

Keep an Eye Out For Bullying

If you have school age children, you know all too well how common bullying can be. The damage done by bullying can lead to a number of mental health problems that can stick with a person throughout their life. The only way to reduce the damage done to a person’s self-esteem due to bullying is by addressing it head on. Starting a program that deals specifically in talking with children who are being bullied at school can be very rewarding. Most of the kids who experience bullying just want someone to talk to. Being that shoulder to lean on can help to open up a whole new world for a child.

Encourage Friends and Family to Stay Active

Most people fail to realize the correlation between good exercise and eating habits and being healthy mentally. Many studies have shown how a person eats and their level of daily activity play a huge role in their overall mental well-being. Starting an exercise group with your friends is a great way to stay healthy and raise awareness about mental health issues.

With a bit of hard work, you should have no problem bringing attention to issues involving addiction and mental health. The team at Odyssey Training Center is passionate about providing online classes and other educational resources that cover a wide range of topics about addiction. We understand that educating the general public about these problems is the first step in reducing their stigma.